
1. The sun is hidden from our sight,

The birds are sleeping sound;

'Tis time to say to all, 'Good night!'

And give a kiss all round.

2. Good night, my father, mother, dear!

Now kiss your little son;

Good night, my friends, both far and near!

Good night to everyone.

3. Good night, ye merry, merry birds!

Sleep well till morning light;

Perhaps, if you could sing in words,

You would have said, 'Good night!'

4. To all my pretty flowers, goodnight!

You blossom while I sleep;

And all the stars, that shine so bright,

With you their watches keep.

5. The moon is lighting up the skies,

The stars are sparkling there;

'Tis time to shut our weary eyes,

And say our evening prayer.

Mrs. Follen.

Teaching Guide:

Step 1: Study the New Words

  • Listen to the new words.
  • Recite each of the new words aloud.

Step 2: Examine the Lesson Image

Describe the image, its setting, and its characters.

Step 3: Read the Lesson Passage

  • Find each new word in the passage.
  • Practice reading the passage, both silently and aloud.
  • Upon mastering the passage, recite it aloud to your instructor.

Step 4: Complete Lesson Vocabulary, Narration, and Copywork

Complete the associated vocabulary, narration, and copywork for this lesson. Click the icon to access the page.